News from the Silver Threads Seniors Club

We had a fabulous evening for our Valentine’s Dinner and Dance. Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting the club. We have another fun evening planned for next month when we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s with great Irish music played and sung by Bob and Bob.

A reminder that we have a Yoga class on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. Linda is commencing classes on Monday, Feb. 25. Come out and join us for a good yoga session that includes both males and females.

Here is a list of the weekly activities that happen at the Seniors Club. Swedish Weaving. Fitness three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Bridge, Bingo, Bid Euchre, Tole Painting, Yoga on Thursday mornings and Monday evenings. Line Dancing. Painting on Thursday mornings. Quilting all day on Fridays. Dinner Dances and Seminars. Regular Euchre on Friday evenings.

On Thursday, Feb. 28 from 5 to 7 p.m., we will be hosting a spaghetti dinner and you are invited to attend.

The winners of the regular Euchre games on Friday evenings were: Richard Bourque, Carolyn Lescombe, Cathy McCabe, Bob Lescombe, Gabe Tosello, Murray Gordon, Carolyn Lescombe, Mary Jukes, Dawn Bunn, Carol Myers, Jean Haynes.

Bring in your stamped grocery store receipts and place them in the box provided and we also have a donation box for the local food bank.

Embrace the snow and think of gardening. I will see you at the Club.