Petawawa Catholic Women’s League News

Several women stand together
The Petawawa CWL 2019-2020 Executive: (back left to right) Carol Ann Hastings, Inie Slievert, Lorraine Tremblay, President Julie Mallory, Joanne Jefferies, (front left to right) Diane Brown,Vel LeBlanc,Eva Brushett and Donna Visneski. (Submitted photo)

The Petawawa CWL General Meeting opened with president Julie Mallory and members. The opening prayer was led by Eva Brushett with the League prayer and a special prayer for families.

President Julie Mallory has a new Executive for 2019-2020: Past President - Joanne Jefferies, Treasurer - Diane Brown, Secretary - Donna Visneski, Organization - Carol Ann Hastings, Spiritual Development - Eva Brushett and Lorraine Tremblay, Education and Health - Joanne Jefferies, Christian Family Life- Jane Kinney, Community Life - Inie Slievert, Communications - Vel LeBlanc, Resolutions, Legislations, Parish Activities - vacant. Installation and Reaffirmation ceremony took place at the Feb. 9 Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows church.

Friendship Sundays will be March 3, April 7, and May 5 following the 10 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows church. Parishioners always enjoy the spiritual friendship at these gatherings.

Petawawa CWL is hosting the World Day of Prayer Services on March 1 at 7 p.m, Our Lady of Sorrows church featuring the country of Slovenia. We will provide readers, helpers and refreshments.

Inie Slievert sent 18 Christmas cards to senior members who are no longer able to attend our CWL meetings or have moved to long term care residences.

Guest Speakers for the next two months will be Carol Ann Hastings (March) discussing Food-Plant Eating and Joanne Jefferies (April) will speak on Dental Awareness Month.

A thank you card received from Nadia Shoemaker, with thanks and appreciation for our CWL donation of baby layettes. Each year, Petawawa CWL donates and delivers the layettes to the Pembroke Regional Hospital for newborn babies.

Executive Reports: Inie Slievert presented her report on the Warmth and Comfort Program recently active at our church. From the collected items we made donations of socks, peanut butter and other items to the Bernadette McCann House and the Petawawa Pantry.

Joanne Jefferies’ report was on Heart and Stroke disease in women.

Jane Kinney presented her report on Christian Family Life and ministering to seniors. She suggested that CWL might organize visits to our older member in senior homes.

The next CWL general meeting will be Monday March 4 at 7 p.m. at the Parish Centre.

The closing prayer by Eva was a Hail Mary for all the member’s intentions.