News from the Greater Petawawa Civitan Club

As this has been a very busy time of the year and some of us were away for the weekend of the 13-15, I have not been able to get much time for my column but I will have a lot more information in my next one. Hope to see you all at our next Bingo.

We are still trying to raise money for a wheelchair swing that will be placed at the Civitan Park in Petawawa right by the Civic Centre. We still need to raise about $10,000 so I, along with the help from other members of Civitan, will be holding bake sales and raffles. As well, we are asking for donations so we can get this swing set up so that those who are in a wheelchair can enjoy some time at the park with the rest of the family. Please help so Civitan can get this swing. We still have a bottle at Rona in Petawawa. I want to thank the people at Rona for their support Just remember when you support the Greater Petawawa Civitan Bingo you are helping us help those in our community who need our help.

That is all I have for you this week, God bless.

Thought for the week: Yesterday is gone and today is here and tomorrow never comes so get done what you have to today.