Petawawa Catholic Women’s League News
The Petawawa CWL held a meeting recently in the parish hall. We all enjoyed a video on how to really pray the Rosary and a video on the Joyful mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
Given the current pandemic situation, we have decided to cancel in-person CWL meetings until the situation improves. Therefore, the planned November 1, 2020 meeting was cancelled.
The CWL annual Tea and Bazaar is cancelled for this year. This event has been our biggest fundraiser, so we are searching for other avenues for substitutes.
One of the our CWL activities is continuing as usual. Our baby layettes that we annually donate to the Pembroke Regional Hospital will go as planned.
The CWL will be collecting items for the baby layettes as follows in new born sized 0-3 months: diapers, sleepers, bibs, onesies, blankets, other blankets, face clothes, sweater sets, and unscented baby wipes.
The collection will take place the weekend of November 14/15 in the church parking lot before and after all Masses. Gabe Tosello has graciously volunteered the use of his trailer. The items can be placed there.
Cash donations will also be gratefully accepted. They can be made by placing an envelope marked CWL Baby Layettes in the offeratory basket at church. Pick-ups can also be arranged by contacting Julie Mallory at 613-687-5124.
The CWL Religious Articles Store is now open after 10 a.m. Masses at Our Lady of Sorrows church downstairs hall. Eva will be happy to serve and help you.